
Total 15 articles

1. Linear Algebra

  • Linear Algebra for ML #1 | Introductions
  • Linear Algebra for ML #2 | Linear System & Linear Transform
  • Linear Algebra for ML #3 | Least Square
  • Linear Algebra for ML #4 | Eigen Decomposition
  • Linear Algebra for ML #5 | Singular Value Decomposition

  • 2. Statistics

  • Statistics #1 | Probability
  • Statistics #2 | Random Variables
  • Statistics #3 | Expectation
  • Statistics #5 | Convergence of Random Variable
  • Statistics #6 | Models, Statistical Inference and Learning

  • 3. Mathematics for ML

  • Mathematics for ML #1 | Introduction Part.I
  • Mathematics for ML #6 | Probabilirty and Distributions
  • Mathematics for ML #8 | Introduction Part.II
  • Mathematics for ML #9 | Linear Regression
  • Mathematcs for ML #10 | Dimensionality Reduction With PCA