Install docker ∑in centos
Frequently used docker commands
FIle sharing in docker (bind, volume)
Dockerfile instruction
Docker compose
Docker swarm
- swarm : almost same with word “cluster”
- node (manager/worker) : A unit of server in a cluster. You can run swarm commands only on the manager node.
- service : A unit of modules in project, a basic distribution unit,
- stack : You can think of it as a unit of a project, and containers grouped into one stack basically belong to the same overlay network.
1. Install docker in centOS
# (1) Set up the repository
$ sudo yum install -y yum-utils
$ sudo yum-config-manager \
--add-repo \
# (2) Install Docker Engine
$ sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
$ sudo yum install docker-ce-19.03.13 docker-ce-cli-19.03.13 docker-compose-plugin
# (3) Create the docker group.
# $ sudo groupadd docker
# (4)Add your user to the docker group.
# sudo usermod -aG docker <USER>
$ sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -aG docker <USER>
$ sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -aG docker <USER_SU>
# (5) Run and Stop docker before change root directory
$ sudo systemctl start docker
$ sudo systemctl stop docker
# (5) change root directory (storage for default docker directory is not enough)
# add {"data-root": "/home1/<USER>/docker-data"} in /etc/docker/daemon.json
$ sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
# (6) Run docker
$ sudo systemctl start docker
# if got permission error for /var/run/docker.sock
$ sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
# check root directory
$ docker info | grep Root
$ docker run hello-world
2. Frequently used Docker Commands
$ docker --version # check docker version
$ docker build -t [TAG] . # build using Dockerfile in cwd
$ docker images # show docker images
$ docker ps -a # show docker containers
$ docker ps --format '{{.Names}}'
$ docker rm -f [CONTAINER_NAME] # remove docker container
$ docker rmi [IMAGE_NAME] # remove docker image
$ docker run --dit --rm -p 22:22 --name [CONTAINER_NAME] -v [SRC]:[DST] [IMAGE_NAME] # run docker container
$ ctrl p q # exit without removing container
$ docker attach [CONTAINER_NAME]] # attach to docker container
$ docker exec -u 0 -it [CONTAINER_NAME] bash # exec on root
$ docker push [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]
$ docker container prune # prune docker container
$ docker image prune # prune docker images
$ docker system prune -a # remove all building cache
$ docker logs -f <CONTAINER_NAME> --tail=1000 2>&1 | grep complete # show logs in container
3. File sharing in docker container
Bind-mount : are files mounted from your host machine (the one that runs your docker daemon) onto your container.
Volume : are like storage spaces totally managed by docker. In fact, volumes are managed in the hidden(?) path of host machine such as ‘/var/lib/docker/volumes/VOLUME_NAME’
named volumes : you provide the name of it
anonymous volumes : usual UUID names from docker, like you can find them on container or untagged images
$ docker volume ls
$ docker volume rm
$ docker volume inspect VOLUME_NAME
4. Dockerfile Instructions
# Set base image
FROM ubuntu:16.04
# argument used only in build time
# run shell cmd using "bin/sh -c" in docker image
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "nginx"]
# set expose port
# set env-var, env-var can be used as $variable_name
ENV FOO /bar
# set user of docker image
USER nginx
# volume mount from host to docker container
VOLUME ["opt/project"]
# copy files from host to docker image
ADD file /some/dir/file
# almost same with ADD, do not unzip zipped files automatically, cannot use URL as source of file
COPY file /some/dir/file
# cmd to run when docker container starts
CMD ["python", ""]
5. Docker Registry
$ docker login # docker-hub
$ docker login -u <ID> reg.*********.com # private registry
$ docker push ${REG_HOST}/IMAGE_TO_PUSH:${TAG}
6. Docker Compose
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose stop [CONTAINER_NAME]
$ docker-compose ps
version: '3.7'
build: # if wanna build a image
context: ./
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
image: # image name
hostname: # host name
tty: true # docker run -t
container_name: <my_cont1> # container_name
volumes: # mout volumes
- ./src:/myproject/src
- myproject
- 2003:3003
user: celery
command: python -m black /myproject/src -t py39
- black
driver: local
driver: local
7. Docker swarm
Server Orchestration
- Scheduling : Distribute multiple containers to each server, and when the server dies, it is deployed to another server so that there is no disruption to the service.
- Clustering : Multiple servers can be used like one server. By adding/removing new servers to the cluster, scattered containers can communicate easily as if they were on the same server using a virtual network.
- Service Discovery
- Logging, Monitoring
Why Docker Swarm?
When you build an API server and traffic increases => one server cannot handle it,
What if the images constituting the container are updated. Should I delete all currently running containers and create a new container again with docker-compose => Rolling update of Docker Swarm
Swarm was developed separately from Docker, and since v1.12, it was merged under the name of Swarm Mode.
# (1) init docker swarm
$ docker swarm init # run on manager node
# This will return the following command. To add a worker to this swarm, just run that command on the worker node
> docker swarm join --token ............. # use <***> rather than inner ip
> docker swarm join-token worker # will return the token message again
# (2) deploy
$ docker stack deploy --compose-file <docker-compose.yml> <STACK_NAME> # deploy using docker-compse.yml
# (3) manage swarm
$ docker node ls # show all nodes joined to current node
$ docker stack ls # show all stacks in current node (manager)
$ docker service ls # show all services (including worker nodes) managed by current node
$ docker service ps <SERVICE_NAME>
# Update node metadata
$ docker node update --label-add <LABEL_KEY>=<LABEL_VALUE> <HOSTNAME>