Hanwoong Kim


I'm a research engineer at Search & Clova Vision, NAVER Corp.
My research is mainly focused on solving computer vision problems by collaborating with experts in a specific domain.
And detailed topics of interest are :
  • Machine Learning on 3D Volumetric Images : Synthetic Data Generation
  • Action Recognition, Pose Estimation, Spatio-temporal Localization
  • Multimodal Video Recognition : with speech, text, visual contents
Not only on the topics mentioned above, I have experiences in NLP, Non-ML and related conventional knowledge
to solve various vision problems.

Education & Experience

Yonsei University, M.S.
EE, Machine Learning & Computer Vision
Advisor : Prof. Sun Kook Yoo
Sep 2016 - Aug 2018

Yonsei University, B.S.
Medical Image Processing & Medical Imaging Sys.
Mar 2012 - Feb 2016

Resesarch Engineer @ Naver Corp.
Sep 2020 - Present

Resesarch Scientist @ GOLFZON
Aug 2018 - Sep 2020

Resesarch Assistant @ Severance
Mar 2016 - Aug 2018


Publication & Patents